Regular Health Check-Ups: Why and When?
Regular Health Check-Ups: Why and When?

Our health is one of the most important factors in life. But health is not about taking the right medication when you are sick. It is also about preventing diseases, identifying risk factors for your health, and taking care of your body so you can avoid getting sick. This is why regular health check-ups are important to everyone. Take a look at the following to see why they are necessary and when do you need them.

Annual Wellness Visit

These are medical check-ups that happen once a year. An annual visit will help to identify any changes in your health and give you an opportunity to consult your care provider/ doctor about any health concerns you have.

Annual visits generally cover examinations such as body mass index calculation, physical exam, preventive screening, counselling, and blood pressure. Apart from these exams, it is also a chance to evaluate your family history predict hereditary diseases, and take necessary steps to prevent them.

Cancer Screening

A cancer screening is done to check if your body has developed cancerous cells. Screenings help to detect cancers at an early stage and this makes it easier to prevent it from reaching more serious and difficult stages. Some of the common screenings include skin cancer screening, breast and cervical cancer screening for women, and testicular and prostate screening for men.

The frequency of the screening depends on age and gender. For example, women of 40 ages and above are required to get mammograms, once every 2 years to check for breast cancer. Every person with a cervix from 25 to 65 is required to screen for cervical cancer every 5 years. For testicular and prostate cancer there is no specific time-frequency. You can add it as a part of your annual screening or consult your doctor on when to do a test.

Sensory Screenings

These tests help us to identify medical issues in our sensory organs, specifically ears and eyes. As we grow in age, sometimes our eyesight and hearing are affected by factors such as old age, work conditions that put pressure and strain on eyes or ears are some reasons behind this.

Unless you experience a significant change in your eyesight, you can do an eye check-up every 5 years. Hearing tests too need only happen every 10 years unless you experience a sudden or dramatic change. However, after you pass the 50-year mark, do a hearing test every 3 years.

Dental Visits

Dental exams cannot wait for years. It has to happen once every six months. If you are not experiencing any serious problems, you can visit once a year too. So, if you still don’t have a dentist to consult check for a nearby dental clinic Narre warren has a couple of places you can visit.  

Dental check-ups can prevent various oral health issues such as plaque, cavities, and tooth decay and keep them at bay. In addition to this, regular check-ups can also identify oral cancer too. Dental check-ups also include checking the lymph nodes, neck, and jaw for swellings and other deformities.

Make sure you give your body all the attention and care it needs. Since prevention is always better than cure, make sure to add routine check-ups to your lifestyle.

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